Sunday, June 29, 2008

Complete Randomness

Ok, so today I'm reading a magazine, and I come across an article that says Matthew Mcconaughey's nephew is named 'Miller Lyte'. Oh for God's sake. Apparently his brother drinks a lot of the stuff, so he thought it would be cute to name his offspring after a crappy, watered down beer. Ok. This is neither cute, nor funny, nor acceptable. Now, granted I always joke with Lori about naming our child something weird, but that's all it is: a joke. For example, I want to name our first son Worthington, just because I think it would be funny to say, "Worthington, be a dear and bring daddy another Martini, would you?" in a snobby British accent. But I would never really do it. Some things are much better off left as jokes. But back to Mcconaughey's toolbox of a brother. Some people just shouldn't be allowed to procreate. Seriously. My new rule is, if you name your child something stupid, you get kicked in the jewels once every day until: 1. You agree to change the name, or 2. You can no longer reproduce. Sounds fair, right? Also, this guy is getting his own show on Discovery Channel. Really? Something about oil rigs or some crap. All I'm saying is people like this should not be rewarded with celebrity. This guy went on to say that he wanted to name his daughter Genny Draft. Really? As in Miller Genuine Draft?!? Erg!! At least he doesn't drink Hoegaarden. Thank God for small miracles. **

On a lighter note, as you know, Friday was my last day at work. And as is customary at the job, early in the day, everybody passes around a card that they sign for the person leaving, retiring, etc. Well, at lunch, after everyone signed it, it was given to me. I didn't want to open it in front of everyone. (I really didn't want everyone to see how dissapointed I was when I was shaking it upside down and no money fell out.) Just kidding. Anyway, I was sitting at a traffic light and decided to read some of the comments. All was going well as I was reading all the "We're going to miss you's" and "Good luck in your futures", until I came to a comment that said: "Happy Birthday!" Holy crap I about lost it. I was laughing so hard I almost wrecked my car. Now, I couldn't make out the signature, so I'm not sure if the person was kidding, or just not paying attention to what kind of card it was (we pass a lot of cards around), but it was damn funny. Kudos to whoever you are. You made my day.

I'll just leave you with one last thought to ponder:

Surveys say that 8 out of 10 dentists prefer not to participate in surveys.

Yeah, I know I'm warped. Bye.

** This is a pic of Matthew Mcconaughey in Dazed and Confused, not his brother. (Purely coincidentally, I just looked at Lori's new post today titled, "Dazed and Confused" after I had already posted this picture. Weird!!)

1 comment:

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

Also good they weren't big fans of Fat Tire.