Thursday, June 26, 2008

My First Post

Well, this is my first post. Now, what to write about. I'd love to say something really profound and enlightening to open my blog, but if you're reading this, chances are you know me and know that the chance of me saying something that profound and enlightening that will change your life forever are slim. Anyways, onto the point. I'll just tell you how my life is lately.

Lori and I have been married for over two months now and have been living in two different states for a longer amount of time. To say this is difficult is a severe understatement. Being apart, although a necessary evil at this point, has been tough. Although it has made me realize several things:

1. That I can make it on my own if I really had to. I know this may sound silly to some of you, but looking back on my life, there hasn't really been a time that I've lived all by myself. At every stage, I've either lived with my parents or had a roommate. I've learned that it's tough living on your own, but I'm surviving. I think living on my own has been a great life lesson for me.

2. That taking care of 4 cats by yourself is a pain in the ass. They all want attention at different times of the day, but it's always when you're right in the middle of something, e.g. right now. Iddle and Mouse, Lori's cats that she's had since before we met, have always had the attitude: He's that guy that mom likes, and he's alright, but we really just want attention from mom. Since she left, they have been all over me like crazy. Not that it's all bad, they are cute little buggers, but sometimes, I don't want a new suit made of cat hair, especially at lunch time.

3. How much Lori truly means to me and how lucky I am that she's a part of my life. I cherish every day that I get to talk with her and laugh with her and grow with her. She is the greatest thing that's ever happened to me and I am sincerely grateful to her and for her. It's made me realize that I married the right woman. I miss her like mad. I miss her more and more each day. Luckily it's only three more weeks till we'll be together again. And yes dear, I'm trying to hurry. I love you.

I guess that's about enough for my first post. Let's make a pact. I'll promise to update it as much as I can, if you promise to keep reading it. Till next time.

- Matt


I'm not crazy, just well mixed! said...

I love you too. I miss you and my Mouse and Iddle. Huuuuuurrrry!

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

I promise.